Detox Water for Glowing Skin

September 17, 2019

Detox water is a great vehicle for a whole bunch of nutrients that do wonders on our skin, making it clear and glowing. 
Water also flushes out toxins and keeps you hydrated, which makes for hydrated skin. Plain water is pretty boring, but there are several ways to make it more interesting and flavorful while still giving you the things that you need to keep your skin radiant. There are tons of combinations you can do with the ingredients that will make your skin look healthier and more beautiful. 

And what better way to do that than to drink your way to gorgeous skin. Detox water is the perfect way to get all the necessary nutrients required for clear, glowing skin. Water alone is key ingredient to great skin as it flushes out toxins, delivers nutrients to your cells and keeps your cell hydrated and hydrated skin = glowing skin.

Give any of these 8 detox waters try - your body will thank you.



  • 1 Lemon slice, cut in half
  • 3 Mint Leaves
Add the ingredients to a glass, fill it with filtered water, and allow it to sit for approximately 2-4 hours.
Lemons have strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and immune boosting powers and they can be used as a great tool for glowing skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that does double duty in lemon water. Antioxidants fight the damage that free radicals cause, which makes your skin glowing. At the same time, the Vitamin C in lemon water encourages your body's collagen production, which is essential to keep your skin smooth and helps to get rid of fine lines in the face. There has even be a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that shows that people who regularly  consume Vitamin C have younger looking skin with less wrinkles. So drink up on this natural anti-ageing product.



  • 5-6 Mint Leaves
  • 1 Lemon
Cut 2 lemons in half and gently squeeze the juice into a glass jug. Grab a handful of mint and clap the mint together in the palm of your hands to intensify the flavors, then add it to the jug and mix. Pour in approximately 1 liter of filtered water and refrigerate for 2 hours to infuse. Mint is a great appetizer or palate cleanser. It also promotes digestion and soothes the stomach in case of indigestion.


  • 4-5 Strawberries, cut in half
  • 5-6 Mint Leaves / Basil Leaves
Mix together 5-6 sliced strawberries with a small handful of basil in a glass jug. Add 1 liter of cold filtered water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.
If you're not already a die-hard fan of strawberries, you should be. In addition to the fact that they are succulent,, summery and delectable, they're a genuine superfood, as well. Nutrient-rich and pressed with cancer prevention agents (like Vitamin C), strawberries offer a wide scope of health advantages, some of which may shock you. Wrinkle avoidance is one of them.


  • 5-6 slices of Cucumber
  • 4 Basil Leaves/ Mint Leaves
  • 1 Lemon, cut in half. 
Cut 2 lemons in half and gently squeeze the juice into a glass jug. Finely chop 1 cucumber and mix it in with the lemons. Grab a handful of Mint leaves/ Basil leaves  and clap the mint together in the palm of your hands to intensify the flavors, then add it to the jug and mix. Pour in approximately 1 liter of filtered water and refrigerate for 2 hours to infuse.
Did you realize that cucumber has 96% water content? So, this makes it a perfect ingredient to be added to your infused drink.
  • 2 cups of chopped Watermelon
  • 5-6 Basil Leaves
Add around 2 cups of chopped watermelon to a large glass jug. Add a handful of basil, followed by 1 liter of filtered water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.

The best part about watermelons is that they are for the most part water around 92 percent however this refreshing fruit is packed with nutrients. Every delicious chomp has huge degrees of Vitamins A, B6 and C, bunches of lycopene, anti-oxidants and amino acids. There's even an unassuming measure of potassium. So you can imagine how advantageous watermelons are...and tasty as well!


  • 1/4 inch thin slice of Ginger
  • 1 slice of Lemon, cut in half
Add the ingredients to a glass and fill it with water. Let it sit for 2-3 hours before drinking it. Ginger can add zest to your detox water while aiding the digestive system to open inflamed airways. It is a well being advancing solution for the full body.



  • 4-5 slices of peeled Orange
  • 5-6 Mint Leaves / Basil Leaves
  • Half cup of Pomegranate seeds
Add the ingredients to a glass and fill it with water. Let it sit for 2-3 hours before drinking it. 
Oranges are a rich wellspring of cancer prevention agents and Vitamin C which help advance the body's resistance and battle malignant growth cells. They are likewise an excellent wellspring of fiber which helps keep your stomach and digestive organs healthy.


  • Half cup of Pomegranate seeds 
  • Half a Lemon
  • 5-6 Basil Leaves
Cut a lemons in half and gently squeeze the juice into a glass jug. Add half cup of pomegranate seeds with a handful of basil, followed by 1 liter of filtered water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.
This fruit mix delivers a huge hit of antioxidants and vitamins, so it’s perfect for maintaining a glowing complexion and healthy hair. They both also work as an anti-inflammatory, making it the perfect morning drink to help get rid of any puffiness. 
Dehydration causes premature wrinkles and deep pores in the skin. It was discovered in an investigation that drinking 500 ml of water on an empty stomach expands blood circulation in the skin and makes skin glowing. Likewise drinking more water for the duration of the day implies that your body is discharging toxins, which will make your skin progressively brilliant. Lack of hydration can seriously affect your hair development as well. Drinking a lot of water sustains your hair from the back to front. Water makes up just about 1/4 of the heaviness of a hair strand. A lacking admission of water can cause weak hair and dainty hair strands as well.

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I'm Priyanka, blogger behind THE HIDDEN BEAUTY. Here you will find some beauty tips, lifestyle and health related articles. I love to communicate with my readers, so feel free to reach out to me. Happy Reading!!!

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